Me & Literacy

♫ Literacy & Big 6 - Week 1♬
Wednesday 27 March 2013 ? 0♥Inform Me♥ ?

Topic 1 : Introducting About Literacy & Big 6

            This week. I had learned about What does literacy mean?. This topic about, why we should learn this course and why this topic important in our daily life. There are 6 type for Information Literacy. Library, Media, Computer, Internet, Critical Thingking & Research Literacy. Literacy also is a framework for silving problems. After that, I had learn about Big 6. Big 6 is a process model to how people of all ages solve an information problem. There are 6 step;

              We also must selecting the most useful resources. Example for resources are print (Book, newpaper cte.), online ( Google, Bronze etc.) & Other ( People, Media etc. ). So, after I learned this topic now I already understand what is information Literacy and 6 Steps in Big 6.


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