Me & Literacy

♫ My First Words in this Blog ♬
Wednesday, 27 March 2013 ? 0♥Inform Me♥ ?

 Hye? Anyeonghaseyo! My Name is Nahzatul Nadiah bt Zakaria! Ok, this is my first post! This blog for subject Introduction of Literacy. Before this I already have a blog for Introduction of Information Technology! My lecturer for this subject is Miss Asna. She's very cute just like Miss Nisha. And this is my first week in semester 2 study about Literacy. Miss Asna tell Us about what is Literacy and why we need learn for this subject! I dont wanna say this subject hard because like before this I say IT is really hard but after I study that subject, that not really hard just like I think before this. So, for this week we just have one class, and we will continue our class next week! So, that All! I hope this semester I can study more harder and seriously not just like in semester 1. 


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