Me & Literacy

♫ Appropriate Tools - Week 2 ♬
Wednesday, 27 March 2013 ? 0♥Inform Me♥ ?

Topic 2 : Describe appropriate tools & search stratrategies to find information

          This week, I learned about Primary, secondary & tertiary sources. Before I learned about this topic I don’t understand what is primary, secondary & tertiary sources. But, after that I already understand what that all means. J
          Primary Sources means original document (first hand Information). Also they are written after the fact. Next is about secondary sources, secondary sources usually interpret primary sources ( second hand Information). They usually do a examination & researchers again about what they found or know from primary sources. Usually in form of published works are journal article, books & radio and TV documentaries. 

          Lastly, Tertiary sources. Tertiary sources is collection of primary & secondary sources, includes most types of references. There are example for primary, secondary & tertiary sources:

              Biography also secondary sources. Biography is when you write about another person life. And Autobiography is when you write about your own life.  Example for tertiary sources are bibliographies of bibliography, Directories if directories & Guides to the literature.

          And after that we learn about DCC & LCC. DCC is Dewey Decimal Classification. They only number. And LCC is Library of Congress Classification. They have alphabet and number. From this topic I also know what is the function OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) use in my university library . J


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