Me & Literacy

♫ We In Literacy Class ♬
Wednesday 27 March 2013 ? 0♥Inform Me♥ ?

From In front (Left): Farahaina, Shahirah, Umie Nadia
From Back (Left) :  Suhana, Nahzatul (Me), Syuhada, Shafawati, Emilia


♫ My First Words in this Blog ♬

 Hye? Anyeonghaseyo! My Name is Nahzatul Nadiah bt Zakaria! Ok, this is my first post! This blog for subject Introduction of Literacy. Before this I already have a blog for Introduction of Information Technology! My lecturer for this subject is Miss Asna. She's very cute just like Miss Nisha. And this is my first week in semester 2 study about Literacy. Miss Asna tell Us about what is Literacy and why we need learn for this subject! I dont wanna say this subject hard because like before this I say IT is really hard but after I study that subject, that not really hard just like I think before this. So, for this week we just have one class, and we will continue our class next week! So, that All! I hope this semester I can study more harder and seriously not just like in semester 1. 


♫ Literacy & Big 6 - Week 1♬

Topic 1 : Introducting About Literacy & Big 6

            This week. I had learned about What does literacy mean?. This topic about, why we should learn this course and why this topic important in our daily life. There are 6 type for Information Literacy. Library, Media, Computer, Internet, Critical Thingking & Research Literacy. Literacy also is a framework for silving problems. After that, I had learn about Big 6. Big 6 is a process model to how people of all ages solve an information problem. There are 6 step;

              We also must selecting the most useful resources. Example for resources are print (Book, newpaper cte.), online ( Google, Bronze etc.) & Other ( People, Media etc. ). So, after I learned this topic now I already understand what is information Literacy and 6 Steps in Big 6.


♫ Appropriate Tools - Week 2 ♬

Topic 2 : Describe appropriate tools & search stratrategies to find information

          This week, I learned about Primary, secondary & tertiary sources. Before I learned about this topic I don’t understand what is primary, secondary & tertiary sources. But, after that I already understand what that all means. J
          Primary Sources means original document (first hand Information). Also they are written after the fact. Next is about secondary sources, secondary sources usually interpret primary sources ( second hand Information). They usually do a examination & researchers again about what they found or know from primary sources. Usually in form of published works are journal article, books & radio and TV documentaries. 

          Lastly, Tertiary sources. Tertiary sources is collection of primary & secondary sources, includes most types of references. There are example for primary, secondary & tertiary sources:

              Biography also secondary sources. Biography is when you write about another person life. And Autobiography is when you write about your own life.  Example for tertiary sources are bibliographies of bibliography, Directories if directories & Guides to the literature.

          And after that we learn about DCC & LCC. DCC is Dewey Decimal Classification. They only number. And LCC is Library of Congress Classification. They have alphabet and number. From this topic I also know what is the function OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) use in my university library . J


♫ Search Tools - Week 3 ♬

Topic 3 : Library Catalog

          This topic, Miss Asna teach use how to use OPAC more specific. From OPAC we can renew our book which is already expired their date. We also don’t need to go to library, we just sign in OPAC easily using internet. This also our main pages for OPAC. 

            The OPAC provides us details about the books, audiovisuals, and other materials can be found in our library.  From OPAC we also can found a record for each book, they also available for checkout, overdue of items and also provide information about the format of the resources.

There also have 4 types of searching; browse, keyword, reserve (an item that the instructor has set aside for use by his or her students only)  and expert.

           After that, I learned about Internat. Internet also have weakness and strengths. So, from this topic I can understand more about the internet and how to use it properly. Information in internat may consist of web pages, images, information and other types of files. Internat also called as information Superhighway. Search Tools internat have search engines, meta-search engines, information gateways, subject directoris & specialized Database. There are example for search engines:

          So, from this topic I know all about internet and search engines. Know, I know a little bit how important this subject. They can help me more detailes and specific how to used IT in my daily life.


♫ Online Databases - Week 4 ♬

Topic 4 : Online Databases

For this week, I learn about online databases. There are simple and advanced screen in databases. Also they have three types for onlines databases; subject, keyword and full text. From this topic we just nedd to know how these look when we opened browser, and try to search something from the internet.



♫ Search Strategies Basics - Week 5 ♬

Topic 5 : Search Strategies Basics

 For this week I learn about keywords, subject headings, phrases & single words. What can I say; keyword and subject heading use a standardized vocabulary, and usually give you more specific resources on your topic. Subject heading can be 1, 2 or more words, a phrase, a city, a country, a person, etc. Next, we learn about Brainstorming for search terms. There 3 types Library Subject Headings, Science Subject Headings and the last one are Thesaurus of Pyhchological Index Terms.

After that, I learn about Boolean Searching.

Boolean searching allows you to group words together in an electronic databases or environment such as theWWW to receive a number of different types of results. It allows you to expand (return more information or matches) a search by using OR or limit (return less information) a search by using the word AND.
—  Example:
          AND, OR and NOT



♫ Truncation & Wildcard - Week 6 ♬

Topic 6 : Truncation & Wildcard
This week I learn about Truncation & Wildcard. Truncation is expands the search to locate all words beginning with the same root. For example; teen* will return ( teen, teens, teenage, teenager, etc. ). And, wildcard is used in the middle of a word to match usually known variants of a term. For example, wom?n will return ( woman, women, & womyn. Next, is all about phrase Searching. Phrase searching is when you use a string of words ( instead of a single word ) to search with. And , by using phrase searching you will retrieve fewer results. That all what I learned for this week. 


♫ Slide For Presentation ♬


♫ Introduction to Citation - Week 7 ♬

Topic 7 : Introduction to Citation

For this week, we learn about Introduction to citation. What that things? I never heard this before this! Ok, know I know. Citation or more known as bibliography. Or as student I known as references. References that you must have auther, title, place of publication, publisher & years of publication. Like before this miss asna said, and the things that we seen in the back every book, magazines or anythings. For examples from this slide under this:

          That all references for all things that we must did. Every things that we read have references and they have different ways for every book, magazines and all things. So, this week I learn how to do references or known as bibliography. I things after I know all this things I have to start to do my APA report because I have to submit that report 2 weeks more and start from this week. Very tired because have to do English report also. *fainted


♫ APA Citation - Week 8 ♬

Week 8: APA Citation

This week I learn about what is APA cittion. Like before this I learn how to do APA report and we have to submit next week no matter what happened. But, this week I learn about APA citation. First, quotations, paraphareses, and summaries come from source Integration. This refer to work that leads up to the work you are now doing. For examples; give examples of several points of view on a subject.
          After that, choosing text to integrate. First, read the entire text, noting the key point and main ideas. After that, summarize in your own words. Next. Paraphrase the important supporting points and lastly, consider any words, phrases, or brief passages that you believes should be quoted directly.

          There have 6 steps to effective paraphrasing:
1.   Reread the original passage until you understand its full meaning.
2.   Set the original aside, and write your paraphrase on a note card.
3.   Jot down a few words below your paraphrase to remind you later how you envision using this material. At the top of the note card, write a key word or phrase to indicate the subject of your paraphrase.
4.   Check your rendition with the original to make sure that your version accurately expresses all the essential information in a new form.
5.   Use quotation marks to identify any unique term or phraseology you have borrowed exactly from the source.
6.   Record the source (including the page) on your note card so that you can credit it easily if you decide to incorporate the material into your paper.

          There must have author or title, year and page for signal phrases and In-text citation. That what I understand from APA citation. Not really hard to understand and not easy to remember all. -_-‘’ . this week we have test 1, and we have to submit written report in week 10, then present it. How embarrassing?? L


♫ Introduction to of Information Analysis - Week 9 ♬

Topic 9 : Introduction to of Information Analysis

This week I learn about Introduction to of Information Analysis. Here,  we must evaluate the resources.  There are many criteria for evaluating evaluation of Internet sources. For example; Purpose, Scope, Authority, Audience, Information content, Design & Layout and the last one is Access.
          Why we must evaluate? That because, we use search or academic library, the books, journals and other resources have already been evaluated by a librarian or by a mechanism set up by a librarian. Every resources we find has been evaluated in one way or another before we ever see it. Moreover, we use WWW, none of this applies. No filters in between us and the internet. To judge the quality, many libraries now maintain web sites that have lists of internet information resources.
          After that, I learn about Information content. There have accurancy, currency& Uniqueness.  Under design & layout they have organization that only text version available. After that, navigability, style & functionality & colour. Colour make our sites colourful and cheerful.
          Multimedia another sites that consider creativity, quality of the image and sound, and interactivity. They have images & sound. Access and serchability, browsability and the last one is software reliability. After that, copyright.  Copyright is a special mention should be made if resources are freely available for reuse and that for information in the public domain and free from copyright restrictions. Lagunage also main important that should have in sites. User support, and criteria used.
          I also know what is plagiarism. That words, ideas, images and sounds need to be documented and given credit if they are not your own. Even, I don’t understand about this..but I will tried to understand. That all what I learn for this week. Very tired..feel like want to die.


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