Me & Literacy

♫ Introduction to Citation - Week 7 ♬
Wednesday, 27 March 2013 ? 0♥Inform Me♥ ?

Topic 7 : Introduction to Citation

For this week, we learn about Introduction to citation. What that things? I never heard this before this! Ok, know I know. Citation or more known as bibliography. Or as student I known as references. References that you must have auther, title, place of publication, publisher & years of publication. Like before this miss asna said, and the things that we seen in the back every book, magazines or anythings. For examples from this slide under this:

          That all references for all things that we must did. Every things that we read have references and they have different ways for every book, magazines and all things. So, this week I learn how to do references or known as bibliography. I things after I know all this things I have to start to do my APA report because I have to submit that report 2 weeks more and start from this week. Very tired because have to do English report also. *fainted


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